Journal Articles
- Zhao Chang, Dong Xie, Sheng Wang, Feifei Li and Yulong Shen, 2024, "Towards Practical Oblivious Join Processing", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 36, (4), pp. 1829--1842
- Douglas B Rumbaugh, Dong Xie and Zhuoyue Zhao, 2024, "Towards Systematic Index Dynamization", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 17, (11), pp. 2867-2879
- Douglas B Rumbaugh and Dong Xie, 2023, "Practical Dynamic Extension for Sampling Indexes", Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 1, (4), pp. 1--26
- Congying Wang, NIthin Sastry Tellapuri, Sphoorthi Keshannagri, Dylan Zinsley, Zhuoyue Zhao and Dong Xie, 2023, "Approximate Queries over Concurrent Updates", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 16, (12), pp. 3986–3989
- Zhuoyue Zhao, Dong Xie and Feifei Li, 2022, "AB-tree: index for concurrent random sampling and updates", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15, (9), pp. 1835–1847
- Zhao Chang, Dong Xie, Feifei Li, Jeff M Phillips and Rajeev Balasubramonian, 2021, "Efficient Oblivious Query Processing for Range and kNN Queries", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, pp. 5741-5754
- Michael Matheny, Dong Xie and Jeff M. Phillips, 2020, "Scalable Spatial Scan Statistics for Trajectories", ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 14, (6), pp. 73:1--73:24
- Badrish Chandramouli, Dong Xie, Yinan Li and Donald Kossmann, 2019, "FishStore: Fast Ingestion and Indexing of Raw Data", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 12, (12), pp. 1922--1925
- Tao Zhu, Zhuoyue Zhao, Feifei Li, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou, Dong Xie, Ryan Stutsman, HaiNing Li and Huiqi Hu, 2019, "SolarDB: Toward a Shared-Everything Database on Distributed Log-Structured Storage", ACM Transactions on Storage, 15, (2), pp. 11:1--11:26
- Dong Xie, Feifei Li and Jeff M. Phillips, 2017, "Distributed Trajectory Similarity Search", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 10, (11), pp. 1478--1489
- Feifei Li, Ke Yi, Yufei Tao, Bin Yao, Yang Li, Dong Xie and Min Wang, 2016, "Exact and approximate flexible aggregate similarity search", The VLDB Journal, 25, (3), pp. 317--338
- Zhao Chang, Dong Xie and Feifei Li, 2016, "Oblivious RAM: A Dissection and Experimental Evaluation", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 9, (12), pp. 1113--1124
Conference Proceedings
- Zhao Chang, Dong Xie, Sheng Wang and Feifei Li, 2022, "Towards Practical Oblivious Join", pp. 803--817
- Kaisong Huang, Darien Imai, Tianzheng Wang and Dong Xie, 2022, "SSDs Striking Back: The Storage Jungle and Its Implications on Persistent Indexes", pp. 9--12
- Dong Xie, Jeff M Phillips, Michael Matheny and Feifei Li, 2021, "Spatial Independent Range Sampling", pp. 2023--2035
- Dong Xie, Badrish Chandramouli, Yinan Li and Donald Kossmann, 2019, "FishStore: Faster Ingestion with Subset Hashing", ACM, pp. 1711--1728
- Tian Zhang, Dong Xie, Feifei Li and Ryan Stutsman, 2019, "Narrowing the Gap Between Serverless and its State with Storage Functions", ACM, pp. 1--12
- Tao Zhu, Zhuoyue Zhao, Feifei Li, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou, Dong Xie, Ryan Stutsman, HaiNing Li and Huiqi Hu, 2018, "Solar: Towards a Shared-Everything Database on Distributed Log-Structured Storage", USENIX Association, pp. 795--807
- Dong Xie, Guanru Li, Bin Yao, Xuan Wei, Xiaokui Xiao, Yunjun Gao and Minyi Guo, 2016, "Practical private shortest path computation based on Oblivious Storage", IEEE Computer Society, pp. 361--372
- Dong Xie, Feifei Li, Bin Yao, Gefei Li, Liang Zhou and Minyi Guo, 2016, "Simba: Efficient In-Memory Spatial Analytics", ACM, pp. 1071--1085
- Dong Xie, Feifei Li, Bin Yao, Gefei Li, Zhongpu Chen, Liang Zhou and Minyi Guo, 2016, "Simba: spatial in-memory big data analysis", ACM, pp. 86:1--86:4