Photo of Qiming Zhang

Qiming Zhang

Distinguished Professor


  • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering

N219 Millennium Science Complex


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Biomedical Devices; Computational Science; Electronic Materials and Devices

Interest Areas:

Electronic materials and devices, electronic polymers, dielectric and capacitor, sensor, actuator, transducer, thin films, MEMS, computer memories, phase transformation in ferroelectrics, composites.




  • BS, Electronic Physics, Nanjing University, 1981
  • Ph D, Solid State Physics, Penn State University, 1986


Journal Articles

  • Qiming Zhang, Wenyi Zhu and Xin Chen, 2023, "Influence of annealing temperature on ferroelectric and electromechanical responses of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE-FA) tetrapolymer", Polymer, 285, pp. 5
  • Qiming Zhang, Xin Chen and Wenyi Zhu, 2023, "Electrocaloric cooling technologies for a sustainable world", iEnergy, 2, pp. 9
  • Qiming Zhang and Xin Chen, 2023, "Interfacial origin of dielectric constant enhancement in high-temperature polymer dilute nanocomposites", Appl. Phys. Lett., 122, pp. 6
  • Qiming Zhang, 2023, "Fluoropolymer ferroelectrics: Multifunctional platform for polar-structured energy conversion", Science, 380, pp. 13
  • Qiming Zhang, Xin Chen, Wenyi Zhu and Alexander Rattner, 2023, "A self-actuated electrocaloric polymer heat pump design exploiting the synergy of electrocaloric effect and electrostriction", J. Phys: Energy, 5, pp. 7
  • Xin Chen and Qiming Zhang, 2023, "Giant electrostriction enabled by defect-induced critical phenomena in relaxor ferroelectric polymers", Macromolecules, 56, pp. 7
  • Qiming Zhang and Xin Chen, 2022, "Electrocaloric cooling – from materials to devices", J. Appl. Phys., 132, pp. 240901-1 to 240901-12
  • Qiming Zhang, Yusra Hambal and Vladimir Shvartsman, 2022, "High Energy Storage Density in Nanocomposites of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Terpolymer and BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 Nanoparticles", Materials, 15, pp. 3151 (12 pages)
  • Qiming Zhang and Xin Chen, 2022, "High dielectric response in dilute nanocomposites via hierarchical tailored polymer nanostructures", Appl. Phys. Lett., 120, pp. 162902-1 to 162902-5
  • Qiming Zhang, Xin Chen and Wenyi Zhu, 2022, "Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymer Exhibits Ultrahigh Electromechanical Coupling at Low Electric Field", Science, 375, pp. 1418 - 1422
  • Xudong Wu, Xin Chen, Qiming Zhang Zhang and Daniel Q Tan, 2022, "Advanced dielectric polymers for energy storage", Energy Storage Materials, 44, pp. 29
  • Xiaoshi Qian, Xin Chen and Qiming Zhang, 2021, "High-entropy polymer produces a giant electrocaloric effect at low fields", Nature, 600, pp. 6
  • Bing Zhang, Xin Chen, J Bernholc and Qiming Zhang, 2021, "Morphology-induced dielectric enhancement in polymer nanocomposites", Nanoscale, 13, pp. 10
  • Yong Zhang, Qing Wang, Qiming Zhang and Xin Chen, 2021, "Hydrogel Ionic Diodes toward Harvesting Ultra-Low-Frequency Mechanic Energy", Adv. Mater., 33, pp. 9
  • Qiyan Zhang, Xin Chen, J Bernholc and Qiming Zhang, 2021, "High-temperature polymers with record high breakdown strength enabled by rationally designed chain-packing behavior in blends", Matter, 4, (7), pp. 13
  • Xin Chen, L. Q. Chen, C Rahn and Qiming Zhang, 2021, "Topological Structure Enhanced Nanostructure of High Temperature Polymer Exhibiting More Than Ten Times Enhancement of Dipolar Response", Nano Energy, 88, pp. 6
  • Xin Chen, wenyi Zhu and Qiming Zhang, 2021, "Improving Electric Thermal Stability of Polypropylene by Chemically Linking Small Amount of Hindered Phenol Groups", MRS Advances, 6, (12), pp. 6
  • Xin Chen and Qiming Zhang, 2021, "Comment on “Giant pyroelectric energy harvesting and a negative electrocaloric effect in multilayered nanostructures”", Energy & Environ. Science, 14, pp. 4
  • Yusra Hambal, Vladimir Shvartsman, Qiming Zhang and Xin Chen, 2021, "Effect of composition on polarization hysteresis and energy storage ability of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) relaxor terpolymers", Polymers, 13, pp. 12
  • Xin Chen and Qiming Zhang, 2021, "Maxwell Relation, Giant (Negative) Electrocaloric Effect, and Polarization Hysteresis", Appl. Phys. Lett, 118, pp. 122904
  • Lei Mei, Meng-Chien Lu and Qiming Zhang, 2021, "Equivalent circuit analysis of a shear-shear mode resonance LiNbO3/ Metglas bilayer composites with giant magnetoelectric response", Measurement, 176, pp. 6
  • Chenchen Wang, Kailiang Ren and Qiming Zhang, 2021, "Flexophotovoltaic effect in potassium sodium niobate/poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) nanocomposite", Advanced Science, 8, pp. 10
  • Hao Xi, Meng-Chien Lu, Qing X. Yang and Qiming Zhang, 2020, "Room Temperature Magnetoelectric Sensor Arrays For Application of Detecting Iron Profiles in Organs", Sensors & Actuators, A: Physical, 311, pp. 7
  • Tian Zhang, Xin Chen, Qiyan Zhang and Qiming Zhang, 2020, "Dielectric Enhancement Over A Broad Temperature By Nanofiller At Ultralow Volume Content in Poly(ether methyl ether urea)", Appl. Phys. Lett., 117, (7), pp. 5
  • C. Ulises Gonzalez-Valle, Seung Ho Hahn, Murali Gopal Muraleedharan, Qiming Zhang, Adri van Duin and Bladimir Ramos-Alvarado, 2020, "Investigation into the Atomistic Scale Mechanisms Responsible for the Enhanced Dielectric Response in the Interfacial Region of Polymer Nanocomposites", The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 53, pp. 6
  • Wenhan Xu, Zhubing Han, Yang Liu, Xin Chen, He Li, Lulu Ren, Qiming Zhang and Qing Wang, 2020, "Composition Dependence of Microstructures and Ferroelectric Properties in Poly(vinylidene fluoride-ter-trifluoroethylene-ter-chlorodifluoroethylene) Terpolymers", Macromolecules, 53, pp. 9
  • Tian Zhang, Xin Chen, Yash Thakur, Biao Lu, Qiyan Zhang, Jim Runt and Qiming Zhang, 2020, "A Highly Scalable Dielectric Metamaterial With Superior Capacitor Performance over A Broad Temperature", Science Advance, 6, (4), pp. 7
  • Xoaidong Jian, Xin Chen and Qiming Zhang, 2019, "Relaxor Ferroelectric Capacitors Embrace Polymorphic Nanodomains", Joule
  • Qiyan Zhang, Xin Chen Zhang, Tian Zhang and Qiming Zhang, 2019, "Giant permittivity materials with low dielectric loss over a broad temperature range enabled by weakening intermolecular hydrogen bonds", Nano Energy
  • Hao Xi, Meng-Chien Lu, Hao-Su Luo, Q. X. Yang and Qiming Zhang, 2018, "A Novel Magnetoelectric Biomagnetic Susceptometer on Iron Level Detection with Mice Tissue in Vitro", Medical Devices and Sensors, 6-15
  • Yng Hou, Xiaobo Zhao, Lu Yang and Qiming Zhang, 2017, "Sintering aids modified electrocaloric response in BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 bilayer films", J. Alloys and Comp
  • Yue Zhou, Ying Hou, Qi Li, Lu Yang, Ye Cao, Kyoung Hwan Choi, Qing Wang and Qiming Zhang, 2017, "Biocompatible and Flexible Hydrogel Diode-Based Mechanical Energy Harvesting. Advanced Materials Technologies", Advanced Materials Technologies
  • Yash Thakur, Tian Zhang, C. Iacob, Tiannan Yang, J Bernholc, L.Q. Chen, J. Runt and Qiming Zhang, 2017, "Enhancement of the dielectric response in polymer nanocomposites with low dielectric constant fillers", Nanoscale
  • Qiming Zhang and Qiming Zhang, 2017, "The refrigerant is also the pump", Science, 357, pp. 1094
  • Tian Zhang, Xiao-shi Qian, Haiming Gu, Ying Hou and Qiming Zhang, 2017, "An electrocaloric refrigerator with direct solid to solid regeneration", Appl. Phys. Letters
  • Yash Thakur, M.H. Lean and Qiming Zhang, 2017, "Reducing conduction losses in high energy density polymer using nanocomposites", Appl. Phys. Lett.
  • Yash Thakur, B Zhang, J Runt, J Bernholc and Qiming Zhang, 2017, "Generating high dielectric constant blends from lower dielectric constant dipolar polymers using nanostructure engineering", Nano Energy
  • Yin Hou, Yue Zhou, Lu Yang, Yong Zhang, Liang Zhou, Qi Li, Qing Wang, Qiming Zhang and Michael Hickner, 2017, "Flexible Ionic Diodes for Low-Frequency Mechanical Energy Harvesting", Adv. Energ. Mater., pp. 6
  • Ying Hou, Lu Yang, Xiaoshi Qian, Tian Zhang and Qiming Zhang, 2016, "Electrocaloric response near room temperature in Zr- and Sn-doped BaTiO3 systems", Philosophical Transactions A
  • Xiaoshi Qian, Hao Xi, Meng-Chien Lu, Lei Mei, Senastian Rupprecht, Qing X Yang and Qiming Zhang, 2016, "A Room Temperature Ultrasensitive Magnetoelectric Susceptometer for Quantitative Tissue Iron Detection", Scientific Report,, 6, pp. 29740
  • Yash Thakur, Minren Lin, Shan Wu and Qiming Zhang, 2016, "Aromatic Polyurea Possessing High Electrical Energy Density and Low Loss", J. Electronics Materials
  • Jinglei Li, Xiaobo Zhao, Tian Zhang, Xiaoshi Qian, Ying Hou, Lu Yang and Qiming Zhang, 2016, "Electrocaloric Effect in A Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymer at Temperatures Far Below the Dielectric Maximum", Phase Transition
  • Xiaoshi Qian, Tiannan Yang, Tian Zhang, Long-Qing Chen and Qiming Zhang, 2016, "Anomalous Negative Electrocaloric Effect In A Relaxor/Normal Ferroelectric Polymer Blend With Controlled Nano- and Meso-Dipolar Couplings", Appl. Phys. Lett.
  • Lu Yang, Xiaoshi Qian, Chongmin Koo, Ying Hou, Tian Zhang, Minren Lin, Jin-Hao Qiu and Qiming Zhang, 2016, "Graphene enabled percolative nanocomposites with large electrocaloric efficient under low electric fields over a broad temperature range", NanoEnergy
  • Ying Hou, Lu Yang, Xiaoshi Qian, Tian Zhang and Qiming Zhang, 2016, "Enhanced electrocaloric effect in composition gradient bilayer thick films", Appl. Phys. Lett.
  • Runkun Jiang, Lei Mei and Qiming Zhang, 2016, "COMSOL Multiphysics Modeling of Architected Acoustic Transducers in Oil Drilling,", MRS Advances
  • Yang Shen, Y. H. Lin and Q. M. Zhang, 2015, "Polymer nanocomposites with high energy storage densities", MRS Bulletin
  • Yash Thakur, Rui Dong, Minren Lin, Shan Wu, Zhaoxi Cheng, Ying Hou, Jerry Bernholc and Q. M. Zhang, 2015, "Enhancing the Dielectric Properties of Polymers by Exploring the Disordered Structures with Large Free-Volumes", Nano-Energy
  • Yue Zhou, M. Ghaffari, Minren Lin, Haipin Xu, Huaqing Xie, Chongmin Koo and Q. M. Zhang, 2015, "High performance supercapacitor under extremely low environmental temperature", RSC Advances
  • S. G. Lu, Z. H. Cai and Q. M. Zhang, 2015, "Electric field dependence of electrocaloric effect in relaxor ferroelectrics", Ceramic International
  • Xiaoshi Qian, H. J. Ye, Tiannan Yang, Wen-Zhu Shao, L Zhen, Eugene Furman, L-Q Chen and Q. M. Zhang, 2015, "Internal biasing in relaxor ferroelectric polymer to enhance the electrocaloric effect", Adv. Funct. Mater
  • G. Casar, X. Li, B. Malic, Q. M. Zhang and V Bobnar, 2015, "Impact of structural changes on dielectric and thermal properties of vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-based terpolymer/copolymer blends", Physica B
  • Qin Chen, Yang Shen, Shihai Zhang, Qiming Zh andng, , 2015, "Polymer-Based Dielectrics with High-Energy Storage Density", Annual Review of Materials Research, 45, pp. 433-458
  • Hui-Jian Ye, Dae-Yong Jeong, Jinhuang Lu, Xiaoshi Qian, Haiming Gu, Shujun Zhang, Q. M. Zh andng, , 2015, "The dielectric and polarization properties of BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 bulk ceramic and thick film with sintering aids", IEEE TDEI
  • Chad Welsh, Yue Zhou, M Ghaffari, M Lin, Chong Min Koo, Q. M. Zh andng, , 2015, "Giant Strain Response in Ionic Nanoporous Graphene Actuator with Hierarchical Structures", IEEE TDEI
  • S. G. Lu, T. Levard, Paul Diglio, Lee Gorny, Chris Rahn and Q. M. Zhang, 2015, "Large displacement in relaxor ferroelectric terpolymer blend derived actuators using Al electrode for Braille displays", Scientific Report,
  • Zhaoxi Cheng, Shan Wu, Minren Lin, Yue Zhou, D-Y Jeong, Yash Thakur, Q. M Zhang and Qundong Shen, 2015, "Aromatic poly(arylene ether urea) with high dipole moment for high thermal stability and high energy density capacitors", Appl. Phys. Lett.
  • Xiaoshi Qian, Shan Wu, Eugene Furman, Ji Su and Q. M. Zhang, 2015, "Ferroelectric polymers as multi-functional electroactive materials: Recent advances, Potentials, and Challenges", MRS Communications
  • Yash Thakur, Minren Lin, Shan Wu, Zhaoxi Cheng, D-Y Jeong and Q. M. Zhang, 2015, "Tailoring the dipole properties in dielectric polymers to realize high energy density with high breakdown strength and low dielectric loss", J. Appl. Phys.
  • Meng-Chien Lu, Lei Mei, D-Y Jeong, Jing Xiang, Huaqing Xie, Q. M. Zh andng, , 2015, "Enhancing the magnetoelectric response of Terfenol-D/Polyvinylidene-fluoride/Terfenol-D laminates by exploiting the shear mode effect", Appl. Phys. Lett.
  • S Pamir Alpay, Joseph Mantese, Susan Trolier-McKinstry, Qiming Zhang and W Whatmore, 2014, "Next Generation Electrocaloric and Pyroelectric Materials for Solid State Electrothermal Interconversion", MRS Bulletin, 39, pp. 1099
  • S Wu, Burlingame, Z X Cheng, M R Lin and Qiming Zhang, 2014, "Strongly Dipolar Polythiourea and Polyurea Dielectrics with High Electrical Breakdown, Low Loss, and High Electrical Energy Density", Journal of electronic materials, 43, pp. 4548-4551
  • Xiao-Shi Qian, Hui-jian Ye, Ying-Tang Zhang, Haiming Gu, Xinyu Li, C Randall and Qiming Zhang, 2014, "Giant Electrocaloric Response in Modified BaTiO3 Ceramics Over A BroadTemperature Range", Adv. Funct. Mater., 24, pp. 1300
  • Shan Wu, Minren Lin, Quinn Burlingame and Qiming Zhang, 2014, "Meta-aromatic polyurea with high dipole moment and dipole density for energy storage capacitors", Appl. Phys. Lett., 104, pp. 072903
  • P H Hu, Y Shen, Y H Guan, X H Zhang, Y H Lin, Qiming Zhang and C W Nan, 2014, "Topological-Structure Modulated Polymer Nanocomposites Exhibiting Highly Enhanced Dielectric Strength and Energy Density", Adv. Funct. Mater., 24, pp. 3172
  • S G Lu, X G Tang, Shan Wu and Qiming Zhang, 2014, "Large Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Materials", Journal of Inorganic Materials, 29, pp. 6-12
  • Minho Kim, Fan Xu, Jin Hong Lee, Cheolsoo Jung, Soon Man Hong, Qiming Zhang and Chong Min Koo, 2014, "A Fast and Efficient Pre-doping Approach to High Energy Density Lithium-Ion Hybrid Capacitors", J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, pp. 10029
  • Noa Lachman, Haiping Xu, Yue Zhou, Mehdi Ghaffari, Minren Lin, Dhiman Bhattacharyya, Asli Ugar, Karen K Gleason, Qiming Zhang and Brian L Wardle, 2014, "Tailoring Thickness of Conformal Conducting Polymer Decorated Aligned Carbon Nanotube Electrodes for Energy Storage", Advanced Materials Interfaces
  • Yue Zhou, Noa Lachman, Mehdi Ghaffari, Haiping Xu, Dhiman Bhattacharya, Pouria Fattahi, Mohammad Reza Abidian, fShan Wu, Karen K Gleason, Brian L Wardle and Qiming Zhang, 2014, "A high performance hybrid asymmetric supercapacitor via nano-scale morphology control of graphene, conducting polymer, and carbon nanotube electrodes", J. Mater. Chem. A., 2, pp. 9964
  • G Casar, X Li, Qiming Zhang and V Bobnar, 2014, "Influencing dielectric properties of relaxor polymer by blending PVDF-TrFE-based terpolymer with a ferroelectric copolymer", J. Appl. Phys., 115, pp. 104101
  • M Ghaffari, Y Zhou, M Lin, Chong Min Koo and Qiming Zhang, 2014, "High electromechanical responses of ultra-high-density aligned nano-porous microwave exfoliated graphite oxide/polymer nanocomposites ionic actuators Intern", J. Smart & Nano Maters., 5, pp. 114-122
  • Haiming Gu, Xiao-Shi Qian, Hui-Jian Ye and Qiming Zhang, 2014, "An electrocaloric refrigerator without external regenerator", Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, pp. 162905
  • Hui-Jian Ye, Xiao-Shi Qian, Dae-Yong Jeong, Shujun Zhang, Yue Zhou, Wen-Zhu Shao, Liang Zhen and Qiming Zhang, 2014, "Giant electrocaloric effect in BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 thick film", Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, pp. 152908
  • Yue Zhou, Haiping Xu, Noa Lachman, Mehdi Ghaffari, Shan Wu, Yang Liu, Asli Ugur, Dhiman Bhattacharya, Karen K Gleason, Brian L Wardle and Qiming Zhang, 2014, "Advanced Asymmetric Supercapacitor Based on Conducting Polymer and Aligned Carbon Nanotubes with Controlled Nanomorphology", Nano Energy, 9, pp. 176-185
  • J-X Ye, Jian-nan Ma, J Ma, J M Hu, Zheng Li , M Feng, Qiming Zhang and C W Nan, 2014, "Temperature dependence of magnetocaloric coupling in FeBSiC/PZT/FEBSiC laminates", J. Appl. Phys., 116, pp. 074103
  • S. Wu, M. Shao, Q. Burlingame, X. Chen, M. Lin, K. Xiao and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "A high-K ferroelectric relaxor terpolymer as a gate dielectric for organic thin film transistors", Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, (1), pp. p. 013301
  • Yang Liu, Caiyan Lu, Stephen Twig, Mehdi Ghaffari, Junhong Lin, Nicholas Winograd and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "Direct Observation of Ion Distributions near Electrodes in Ionic Polymer Actuators Containing Ionic Liquids", Scientific Reports, 3, (973)
  • Xinyu Li, Sheng-Guo Lu, Xiang-Zhong Chen, Haiming Gu, Xiao-shi Qian and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "Pyroelectric and electrocaloric materials", J. Mater. Chem. C, 1, (23)
  • Xiao-Shi Qian, S. G. Lu, Xinyu Li, Haiming Gu, L.-C. Chien and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "Large Electrocaloric Effect in A Dielectric Liquid Possessing A Large Dielectric Anisotropy Near the Isotropic-Nematic Transition", Adv. Funct. Mater., 23, pp. 2894-2898
  • Shan Wu, Weiping Li, Minren Lin, Quinn Burlingame, Qin Chen, Andrew Payzant, Kai Xiao and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "Aromatic Polythiourea Dielectrics with Ultrahigh Breakdown Field Strength, Low Dielectric Loss, and High Electric Energy Density", Adv. Mater., 25, pp. 1734-1738
  • Lianyun Yang, Xinyu Li, Elshad Allahyarov, Phillip L. Taylor, Qiming Zhang and Lei Zhu, 2013, "Novel Polymer Ferroelectric Behavior via Crystal Isomorphism and the Nanoconfinement Effect", Polymer, 54, pp. 1709-1728
  • Feng Li, Rajiv Misra, Zhao Fang, Yufei Wu, Qiming Zhang, Peter Schiffer, Srinivas Tadigadapa and Suman Datta, 2013, "Magnetoelectric Resonant Gate Transistor with NanoTesla Sensitivity", JMEMS, 22, pp. 71-79
  • Quinn C. Burlingame, Shan Wu, Minren Lin and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "High Energy Density Aromatic Polythiourea Thin Films with High Dielectric Breakdown Strength and Low High-Field Loss", Adv. Energ. Mater.
  • Xiang-Zhong Chen, Xinyu Li, Xiao-Shi Qian, Shan Wu, Sheng-Guo Lu, Hai-Ming Gu, Minren Lin, Qun-Dong Shen and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "A polymer blend approach to tailor the ferroelectric responses in P(VDF-TrFE) based copolymers", Polymer, 54, pp. p. 2373
  • Haiming Gu, Brent Craven, Xiaoshi Qian, Xinyu Li, Ailan Cheng, S. C. Yao and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "Simulation of electrocaloric refrigerator with high cooling-power density", Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, pp. p. 112901
  • Haiming Gu, Xiaoshi Qian, Xinyu Li, Brent Craven, Wenyi Zhu, Ailan Cheng, S. C. Yao and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "A Chip Scale Electrocaloric Effect Based Cooling Device", Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, pp. p. 122904
  • Mehdi Ghaffari, Yue Zhou, Haiping Xu, Minren Lin, TaeYoung Kim, Rodney S. Ruoff and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "High Volumetric Performance Aligned Nano-Porous Microwave Exfoliated Graphite Oxide (A-aMEGO)-based Electrochemical Capacitors", Adv. Mater., 25, pp. 4879-4885
  • Goran Casar, Xinyu Li, Jurij Koruza, Qiming Zhang and Vid Bobnar, 2013, "Electrical and Thermal Properties of Polymer Systems With Coexisting Ferroelectric and Relaxor States", J. Mater Sci., 48, pp. p.7920
  • Xiang-Zhong Chen, Xinyu Li, Xiao-Shi Qian, Minren Lin, Shan Wu, Qun-Dong Shen and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "A nanocomposite approach to tailor electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric polymer", Polymer, 54, pp. p. 5299
  • M. Ghaffari, Y. Zhou, W. Kinsman, S. Murali, Q. Burlingame, M. Lin, R. S. Ruoff and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "Aligned Nano-Porous Microwave Exfoliated Graphite Oxide (A-aMEGO) Actuators with Ultrahigh Strain and Elastic Energy Density Induced Under A Few Volts", Adv. Mater., 25, pp. 6277-6283
  • Yue Zhou, Yang Liu, Mehdi Ghaffari, Minren Lin, Ethan Parsons, Brian Wardle and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "High Performance Supercapacitor Based on Ultra-high Density Aligned Carbon Nanotubes with Controlled Nanomorphology", Electrochimica Acta, 111, pp. p. 608
  • Mehdi Ghaffari, Suppanat Kosolwattana, Yue Zhou, Noa Lachman, Minren Lin, Dhiman Bhattacharya, Karen K. Gleason, Brian L. Wardle and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "Highly Efficient Hybrid Supercapacitor Materials from Conformally Coated Aligned Carbon Nanotubes with Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)", Electrochemical Acta, 112, pp. p. 522
  • Sheng-Guo Lu, Hui Xiong, Aixiang Wei, Xinyu Li and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "Electrocaloric and electrostrictive effect of polar P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) terpolymers", JOURNAL Of ADVANCED DIELECTRICS, 3, pp. p. 1350015
  • Junhong Lin, Yang Liu and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "Influence of the Ionic Polymer Membrane Thickness on Charge dynamics of Ionic Liquids in Ionic Polymer Actuators", Macromolecules, 45, pp. p. 2050
  • S. G. Lu, B. Rozic, Qiming Zhang, Z. Kutnjak and R. Pirc, 2012, "Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Polymers", Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 107, (3), pp. 559-566
  • Yang Liu, Ran Zhao, Junhong Lin, Sheng Liu, Qiming Zhang, Hülya Cebeci, Roberto Guzmán de Villoria, Brian Wardle, Reza Montazami, Dong Wang and James R. Heflin, 2012, "Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Ionomer and Ionic Polymer Conductive neetwork Composite Actuators Containing Ionic Liquids", Sensors and Actuators A, 181, pp. 70-76
  • Gokhan Hatipoglu, Yang Liu, Ran Zhao, Mitra Yoonessi, Dean M. Tigelaar, Srinivas Tadigadapa and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "A Highly Aromatic and Sulfonated Ionomer for High Elastic Modulus Ionic Polymer Membrane Micro-actuators", Smart Mater & Struct, 21, pp. 055015
  • Yang Liu, Ran Zhao, Mehdi Ghaffari, Jun-Hong Lin, Minren Lin and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "Enhanced Electro-mechanical Responses of P(VDF-CTFE) based Actuators", Macromolecules
  • V. Bobnar, X. Li, G. Casar, A. Erste, S. Glinsek, X. Qian and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "Tailoring electrically-induced properties by stretching relaxor polymer", J. Appl. Phys., 111, pp. 083512
  • Shihai Zhang, Chen Zou and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "Semicrystalline Polymers with High Dielectric Constant, Melting Temperature, and Charge-Discharge Efficiency", IEEE Trans. Die. & Insulation Mater., 19, pp. 1158-1166
  • R. Pirc, B. Rozic, R. Blinc, Xinyu Li and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "ELECTROCALORIC EFFECT AND DIPOLAR ENTROPY CHANGE IN FERROELECTRIC POLYMERS", Ferro., 426, pp. 38-44
  • Xiang-Zhong Chen, Xiao-Shi Qian, Xinyu Li, S. G. Lu, Haiming Gu, Minren Lin, Qun-Dong Shen and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "Enhanced electrocaloric effect in poly(vinylidene fluoride- trifluoroethylene)-based terpolymer/copolymer blends", Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, pp. 222902
  • B. Rozic, B. Malic, H. Ursic, J. Holc, M. Kosec, S.-G. Lu, Qiming Zhang and Z. Kutnjak, 2012, "The Giant Electrocaloric Effect in Inorganic and Organic Ferroelectric Relaxor Systems", Ferro., 430, pp. 98-102
  • S. G. Liu and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "LARGE ELECTROCALORIC EFFECT IN RELAXOR FERROELECTRICS", J. Adv. Diel., 2, (3), pp. 1230011
  • Thomas Levard, Paul J. Diglio, Sheng-Guo Lu, Christopher D. Rahn and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "Core-free rolled actuators for Braille displays using P(VDF-TrFE-CFE)", Smart Mater. Struct., 21, pp. 012001
  • Z. K. Liu, Xinyu Li and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "Maximizing the Number of Coexisting Phases Near Invariant Critical Points For Giant Electrocaloric and Electromechanical Responses in Ferroelectrics", Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, (082904)
  • K. Ren, W. L. Wilson, J. E. West, Qiming Zhang and S. M. Yu, 2012, "Piezoelectric property of hot pressed electrospun poly(?-benzyl-a, L-glutamate) fibers", Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 107, pp. 639-646
  • Xinyu Li, Xiao-Shi Qian, Haiming Gu, Xiangzhong Chen, S. G. Lu, Minren Lin, Fred Bateman and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "Giant electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric poly(vinylidenefluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymers near a first-order ferroelectric transition", Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, (13), pp. 132903
  • Xin Zhou, Qin Chen, Qiming Zhang and Shihai Zhang, 2011, "Dielectric Behavior of Low temperature PECVD Fabricated Si3N4 and Si3N4/P(VDF-CTFE) Bilayer Films", IEEE Trans. Diel. Elect. Insulation, 18, (2), pp. 463-470
  • R. Pirc, Z. Kutnjak, R. Blinc and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Upper bounds on the electrocaloric effect in polar solids", Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, pp. 021909
  • Junhong Lin, Yang Liu and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Charge Dynamics and Bending Actuation in Aquivion Membrane Swelled with Ionic Liquids", Polymer, 52, pp. 540-546
  • H. F. Li, Qiming Zhang and Z. W. Liu, 2011, "Holographic Imaging of Electric Breakdown in Air", IEEE Trans. Diel. Elect. Insulation, 18, (3), pp. 819-821
  • S. G. Lu, B. Rozic, Qiming Zhang, Z. Kutnjak and Bret Neese, 2011, "Enhanced Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) 55/45 mol% Copolymer at Ferroelectric-Paraelectric Transition", Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, pp. 122906-122906-3
  • Reza Montazami, Sheng Liu, Yang Liu, Dong Wang, Qiming Zhang and James R. Heflin, 2011, "Thickness dependence of curvature, strain, and response time in ionic electroactive polymer actuators fabricated via layer-by-layer assembly", J. APPL. PHYS., 109, pp. 104301
  • S. G. Lu, B. Rozic, Z. Kutnjak and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymers", Integrated Ferro., 125, pp. 176-185
  • Jiezhu Jin, S.-G. Lu, C. Chanthad, Qiming Zhang, M. A. Haque and Qing Wang, 2011, "Multiferroic Polymer Composites with Greatly Enhanced Magnetoelectric Effect under a Low Magnetic Bias", Adv. Mater., 23, pp. 3853
  • Xinyu Liu, Xiao-Shi Qian, S. G. Lu, Jiping Cheng, Zhao Fang and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Tunable Temperature Dependence of Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Relaxor P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Terpolymer", Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, pp. 052907-052907-3
  • Shan Wu, Minren Lin, S. G. Lu, Lei Zhu and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Polar-fluoropolymer Blends with Tailored Nanostructures for High Energy Density Low Loss Capacitor Applications", Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, pp. 132901
  • Brigita Rozic, Marija Kosec, Hana Ursic, Janez Holc, Barbara Malic, Qiming Zhang, Robert Blinc, Rasa Pirc and Zdravko Kutnjak, 2011, "Influence of the critical point on the electrocaloric response of relaxor ferroelectrics", J. Appl. Phys., 110, pp. 064118
  • R. Pirc, Z. Kutnjak, R. Blinc and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Electrocaloric effect in relaxor ferroelectrics", J. Appl. Phys., 110, pp. 074113
  • Chen Zou, Qiming Zhang, Shihai Zhang, Douglas Kushner, Xin Zhou, Richard Bernard and Raymond J. Orchard Jr., 2011, "PEN/Si3N4 bilayer film for dc bus capacitors in power converters in hybrid electric vehicles", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 29, (6), pp. 061401
  • B. Rozic, B. Neese, S. G. Lu, Qiming Zhang and Z. Tutnjak, 2011, "Direct Measurements of the ELectrocaloric Effect in P(VDF-TrFE) 68/32 Copolymer Ferroelectric Films", Ferro., 416, pp. 139-143
  • B. Rozic, S. G. Liu, Z. Kutnjak, B. Neese and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Electrocaloric Effect in the Relaxor Ferroelectric Terpolymer P(VDF-TrFe-CFE)", Ferro., 422, pp. 81-85
  • S. G. Lu, J. Z. Jin, X. Zhou, Z. Fang, Q. Wang and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Large magnetoelectric coupling coefficient in poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene)/Metglas laminates", J. Appl. Phys., 110, pp. 104103
  • Zhao Fang, Ninad Mokhariwale, Feng Li, Suman Datta and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Magnetoelectric Sensors with Directly Integrated Charge Sensitive Readout Circuit", IEEE Sensors Journal, 11, pp. 2260-2265
  • Yong Wang, X. Zhou, M. Lin, S. Lu, J. Lin, E. Furman and Qiming Zhang, 2010, "Nonlinear conduction in aromatic polyurea thin films and its influence on dielectric applications over a broad temperature range", IEEE Trans. Diel. Elect. Insulation, 17, pp. 28-33
  • Sheng Liu, Wenjuan Liu, Yang Liu, Jun-Hong Lin, Xin Zhou, Michael J. Janik, Ralph H. Colby and Qiming Zhang, 2010, "Influence of Imidazolium-based Ionic liquids on the Performance of Ionic Polymer Conductor Network Composite Actuators", Poly. International
  • Sheng Liu, Reza Montazamic, Yang Liu, Vaibhav Jain, Minren Lin, Xin Zhou, James R. Hefline and Qiming Zhang, 2010, "Influence of the conductor network composites on the electromechanical performance of ionic polymer conductor network composite actuators", Sensors & Actuators A: Physical
  • F. Li, S.-H. Lee, Z. Fang, P. Maihi, Qiming Zhang, S. K. Banerjee and S. Datta, 2010, "Flicker-Noise Improvement in 100-nm Lg SiGe Strained Quantum-Well Transistors Using Ultrathin Si Cap Layer", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 31, pp. 47-49
  • S. G. Lu, Z. Fang, E. Furman, Y. Wang, Qiming Zhang, Y. Mudryk, K. A. Gschneider Jr., V. K. Pecharsky and C. W. Nan, 2010, "Thermally mediated multiferroic composites for the magnetoelectric materials", Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, pp. 102902
  • Sheng Liu, Yang Liu, Hülya Cebeci, Roberto Guzmán de Villoria, Jun-Hong Lin, Brian L. Wardle and Qiming Zhang, 2010, "High Electromechanical Response of Ionic Polymer Actuators with Controlled-Morphology Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Nafion Nanocomposite Electrodes", Adv. Funct. Mater., 20, pp. 3266-3271
  • Yang Liu, Sheng Liu, Junhong Lin, Dong Wang, Vaibhav Jain, Reza Montazami, James R. Heflin, Jing Li, Qiming Zhang and Louis Madsen, 2010, "Ion Transport and Storage of Ionic Liquids In Ionic Polymer Conductor Network Composites", Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, pp. 223503
  • Yong Wang, Xin Zhou and Qiming Zhang, 2010, "Recent Development of High Energy Density Polymers for Dielectric Capacitors", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 17, pp. 1036-1042
  • F. Li, F. Zhao, Qiming Zhang and S. Datta, 2010, "Low frequency voltage mode sensing of magnetoelectric sensor in package", Electronics Letters, 46, (16), pp. 1132-1134
  • S. G. Lu, B. Rozic, Qiming Zhang, Z. Kutnjak, Xinyu Li, E. Furman, Lee J. Gorny, Minren Lin, B. Malic, M. Kosec, R. Blinc and R. Pirc, 2010, "Organic and Inorganic Relaxor Ferroelectrics with Giant Electrocaloric Effect", Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, pp. 162904
  • S. G. Lu, B. Rozic, Qiming Zhang, Z. Kutnjak, R. Pirc, Minren Lin, Xinyu Li and Lee Gorny, 2010, "Comparison of Directly and Indirectly Measured Electrocaloric Effect in the Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymers", Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, pp. 202901
  • B. Rozic, Z. Kutnjak, B. Neese, Sheng-Guo Lu and Qiming Zhang, 2010, "Electrocaloric effect in the relaxor ferroelectric polymer composition P(VDF-TrFE-CFE)0.95-P(VDF-CTFE)0.05", Phase Transitions, 83, pp. 819-823
  • B. Rozic, B. Malic, H. Ursic, J. Holc, M. Kosec, B. Neese, Qiming Zhang and Z. Kutnjak, 2010, "Direct Measurements of the Giant Electrocaloric Effect in Soft and Solid Ferroelectric Materials", Ferro., 405, pp. 26-31
  • Yong Wang, ShengGuo Lu, Michael Lanagan and Qiming Zhang, 2009, "Dielectric Relaxation of Relaxor Ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Terpolymer over Broad Frequency Range", IEEE Trans. UFFC, 56, pp. 444-449
  • J. Li, S. Seok II, B. Chu, F. Dogan, Qiming Zhang and Q. Wang, 2009, "Nanocomposites of Ferroelectric Polymers with TiO2 Nanoparticles Exhibiting Significant Enhanced Electrical Energy Density", Adv. Mater., 21, pp. 217-221
  • Y. Liu, G. Tian, Y. Wang, Qiming Zhang and H. Hofmann, 2009, "Active Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting: General Principle and Experimental Demonstration", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 20, pp. 575-585
  • Sheng-Guo Lu and Qiming Zhang, 2009, "Electrocaloric Materials for Solid State Refrigeration", Adv. Mater., 21, pp. 1983-1987
  • Bret Neese, S. G. Lu, Baojin Chu and Qiming Zhang, 2009, "Electrocaloric Effect of the Relaxor Ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Terpolymer", Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, pp. 042910
  • Xin Zhou, Xuanhe Zhao, Zhigang Suo, Chen Zou, James Runt, Sheng Liu, Shihai Zhang and Qiming Zhang, 2009, "Electrical Breakdown and Ultra-high Electrical Energy Density in P(VDF-HFP) Copolymer", Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, pp. 162901
  • B. Chu, M. Lin, B. Neese and Qiming Zhang, 2009, "Interfaces in P(VDF-TrFE) Terpolymer/ZrO2 Nanocomposites and Their Effect on Dielectric Properties", J. Appl. Phys., 105, pp. 014103
  • Yong Wang, X. Zhou, M. Lin and Qiming Zhang, 2009, "High-energy density in aromatic polyurea thin films", Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, pp. 202905
  • J.-H. Lin, S. G. Lu, M. Lin, M. Geub and Qiming Zhang, 2009, "Evolution of relaxor ferroelectric behavior of P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) terpolymer nanorods", Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, pp. 022911
  • Sheng Liu, R. Montazami, Y. Liu, V. Jain, M. Lin, J. Heflin and Qiming Zhang, 2009, "Layer-by-layer self-assembled conductor network composites in ionic polymer metal composite actuator with high strain response", Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, pp. 023505
  • Zhao Feng, S. G. Lu, Qiming Zhang and M. El Tahchi, 2009, "Enhancing the magnetoelectric response of Metglas/PVDF laminates by exploiting the flux concentration effect", Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, pp. 112903
  • J. Xiao, X. Zhou, Qiming Zhang and P. A. Dowben, 2009, "The effect of defects on the electronic structure of long chain ferroelectric polymers", J. Appl. Phys., 106, pp. 044105
  • Qiming Zhang and Bret Neese, 2008, "Large Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Polymers Near Room Temperature", Science, 321, pp. 821
  • Qiming Zhang, Hengfeng Li and Martin Poh, 2002, "An all-organic composite actuator material with high dielectric constant", Nature, 419, pp. 284
  • Qiming Zhang, Vivek Bharti and X Zhao, 1998, "Giant Electrostrictive Response and Ferroelectric Relaxor Behavior in Electron Irradiated P(VDF-TrFE) Polymer", Science, 280, pp. 2101
  • Xin Chen, W. H. Xu, Biao Lu, Tian Zhang, Qing Wang and Qiming Zhang, , "Towards Electrocaloric Heat Pump – A New Class of Relaxor Polymer Exhibiting Large Electrocaloric Response at Low Electric Field", Appl. Phys. Letters, 113, pp. 5
  • Biao Lu, Xin Chen, Tian Zhang, S. G. Lu and Qiming Zhang, , "Enhancing the electrocaloric effect in a relaxor polymer by including minor normal ferroelectric phase", Appl. Phys. Letters, 113, pp. 4

Conference Proceedings

  • Tian Zhang, Yash Thakur and Qiming Zhang, 2017, "Doped dielectric polymers with Low Dielectric Constant Nanofillers", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics
  • Yash Thakur and Qiming Zhang, 2016, "Mitigation of Conduction Loss in a Semi-Crystalline Polymer with High Dielectric Constant and High Charge-Discharge Efficiency", 1, 59 (2016, United States
  • N. Lachman, Y. Zhou, M. Ghaffari, D. Bhattacharyya, K. K. Gleason, B. L. Wardle and Qiming Zhang, 2013, "Tailored Aligned-Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites for Energy Storage", Proc. Of the 19th International Conference on Composite Materials
  • Shan Wu, Quinn C. Burlingame, Weiping Li, Minren Lin, Qin Chen and Qiming Zhang, 2012, "Aromatic Polythiourea with Ultrahigh Breakdown Strength for High Energy Density and Low Loss Capacitor Applications", 2012 MRS Fall Meeting Proceedings
  • T. Levard, P. J. Diglio, S. G. Lu, L. J. Gorny, C. D. Rahn and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "PVDF Core-free actuators for Braille displays: design, fabrication process and testing", Proc. of SPIE, 7976, pp. 797611
  • S. G. Lu, X. Y. Li, J. P. Cheng, L. Gorny and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Giant Electrocaloric Effect in High-Energy Electron Irradiated P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymers", Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1310, pp. 662
  • Shan Wu, Minren Lin, David S.-G. Lu and Qiming Zhang, 2011, "Polar-fluoropolymer Blends for High Energy Density Low Loss Capacitor Applications, Polymer-Based Materials and Composites-Sythesis, Assembly and Applications", Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1312, pp. 51
  • S. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Cebeci, R. G. de Villoria, J. H. Lin, B. L. Wardle and Qiming Zhang, 2010, "Conductive filler morphology effect on performance of ionic polymer conductor network composite actuators", Proceedings of SPIE, 7642
  • Y. Liu, S. Liu, J. H. Lin, W. J. Liu, R. H. Colby and Qiming Zhang, 2010, "Ionic liquids in ionic polymer conductor network composite actuators", 7642-43
  • L. J. Gorny, M. Lin, S. Liu and Qiming Zhang, 2010, "Compact electroactive polymer actuators for Braille display", Proceedings of SPIE, 7642-08
  • S. Liu, M. Lin, Yang Liu, Qiming Zhang, Reza Montazami, Vaibhav Jain and James R. Heflin, 2009, "Performance analysis of ionic polymer/conductor network composite actuators", Proc. of SPIE, 7287

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Humboldt Research Award, Humboldt fundation, November 2018 - June 2023
  • Lee Hsun Lecture Award on Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science (2020), February 2020 - December 2020
  • Zijing Distinguished Lecture, Tsinghua University, Graduate School at Shenzhen, September 2018 - September 2018
  • Fellow of National Academy of Inventors, National Academy of Inventors, December 2023


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Service to External Organizations:




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We offer B.S. degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering and data science and graduate degrees (master's degrees and Ph.D.'s) in electrical engineering and computer science and engineering. EECS focuses on the convergence of technologies and disciplines to meet today’s industrial demands.

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The Pennsylvania State University

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Department of Electrical Engineering
