- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2016, Semiconductor Glossary, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, pp. 264
Journal Articles
- Partick J. Drummond, Wali Akshay, Barth Michael, Datta Suman, Jerzy Ruzy andlo, , 2017, "Photoconductance Decay Characterization of 3D Multi-Fin Silicon on SOI Substrates", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 38, (11), pp. 3
- Sabeeh Ala, Price Jared, Jerzy Ruzyllo, , and , , 2017, "Effect of Lift-off Conditions on Micropattering of Nanocrystalline Quantum Dot Films", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, B, 35, pp. 5
- Aakash Arora, Patrick Drummond and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2016, "Electrical Characterization of Silicon-on-Insulator Wafers Using Phot-conductance Decay (PCD) Method.", ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 5, (4)
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2014, "Assessment of the Progress in Gas-Phase Processing of Silicon Surfaces", ECS J. of Solid-State Sci. and Technol., 3, (1), pp. N3060-N3063
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2014, "Assesment of the Progress in Gas-Phase Processing of SIlicon Surfaces", ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 3, (1), pp. N3060-N3063
- A Kshirsagar, Z Jiang, S Pickering, J Xu and J Ruzyllo, 2013, "Formation of Photo-Luminescent Patterns on Paper Using Nanocrystalline Quantum Dot Ink and Mist Deposition", ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2, (5), pp. R1-R4
- J Ruzyllo, 2013, "The Transistor and Its Many Facets", ECS Interface, 22, (1)
- S Pickering, A Kshirsagar, J Xu and J Ruzyllo, 2012, "Patterned Mist Depsition Study of Tri-Color CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots Films Toward RGB LED Devices", Opto-Electronics Review, 20, (2), pp. 28-32
- A Vakil, D Bhatia, L Liu, A Ali, P Drummond, S Datta and J Ruzyllo, 2012, "Photoconductance Decay Characterization of 3D Semiconductor Material Systems"
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2011, "Semiconductors in 21st Century - the First Decade", Progress in Sci. and Technol., (3), pp. 1-9
- P Drummond, A Kshirsagar and J Ruzyllo, 2011, "Characterization of Near-Surface Electrical Properties of Multi-Crystalline Silicon Wafers", Solid-State Electronics, 55, pp. 29-36
- P Drummond, A Kshirsagar, S Ramani and J Ruzyllo, 2011, "Studies of PCD Method for Characterization of Near-Surface Electrical Properties of Semiconductors", Thin-Solid Films, 519, pp. 7621-7626
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2010, "Semiconductor Cleaning Technology", JES Classics, The Electrochemical Society Interface, pp. p. 44
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2010, "Many Factes of Nanotechnology", 3, pp. 16-20
- Z Tan, J Xu, C Z, T Zhu, F Zhang, B Hedrick, S Pickering, J Wu, H Su, W S Gao, A Wang, B Kimball, J Ruzyllo, N Dellas and S Mohney, 2009, "Colloidal Nanocrystal-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Fabricated on Plastic toward Flexible Quantum Dot Optoelectronics", Journal of Applied Physics, 105
- S C Price, K Shanmugasundaram, S Ramani, T Zhu, F Zhang, J Xu, S E Mohney, Q Zhang, A Kshirsagar and J Ruzyllo, 2009, "Studies of Mist Deposition for the Formation of Quantum Dot CdSe Films", Semiconductor Science and Technology, 24, (10), pp. 42009
- M. Erdamar, K. Shanmugasundaram, P. Roman, P. Mumbauer, M. Klimkiewicz and J. Ruzyllo, 2008, "Deep Lateral Anhydrous HF/Methanol Etching for MEMS Release Processes", Journal of Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS, 7, (3), pp. 1-1 - 1-4
- K. Shanmugasundaram, S. C. Price, W. Li, H. Jiang, Q. K. Wang and J. Ruzyllo, 2008, "Fabrication of Blue Organic Semiconductor Light Emitting Diodes by Mist Deposition", Semiconductor Sci. and Technol., 23, pp. 5
- T. Zhu, K. Shanmugasundaram, F. Zhang, S. C. Price, S. E. Mohney, Q. Zhang, A. Y. Wang, J. Xu and J. Ruzyllo, 2008, "Mist-Fabrication of Light Emitting Diodes with Colloidal Nanocrystal Quantum Dots", Applied Physics Letters, 92, pp. 023111-3
- Z. Tan, B. Hedrick, F. Zhang, T. Zhu, J. Xu, R. H. Henderson and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2008, "Stable Binary Complementary White Light Emitting Diodes Based on Quantum Dot/Polymer Bilayer Structures", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20, (23), pp. 1998-2000
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2007, "Semiconductor Cleaning Technology for Next Generation Material Systems", Journal of Telecomm. and Information Technology, 2, pp. 44-49
- K. Chang, J. Shallenberger, F. M. Chang, K. Shanmugasundaram and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2007, "Studies of Hf(Si,O) Dielectrics for MOS Gate Applications", Thin Solid Films, 515, pp. 3802-3805
- K. Shanmugasundaram, M. Brubaker, K. Chang, P. Mumbauer and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2007, "Studies of Solution Processed Metal Oxides on Silicon", Microelectronic Engineering, 84, pp. 2294-2297
- Z. Tan, F. Zhang, T. Zhu, J. Xu, A. Y. Wang, J. D. Dixon, L. Li, Q. Zhang, S. E. Mohney and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2007, "Bright and Color-Saturated Emission from Blue Light Emitting Diodes Based on Solution-Processed Colloidal Nanocrystal Quantum Dots", NanoLetters, 7, (12), pp. 3803-3807
- K. Chang, F. M. Chang and J. Ruzyllo, 2006, "Charge Trapping in HfO2 and HfSiO4 Gate Dielectrics", Solid-State Electronics, 50, pp. 1670-1672
- A. M. Hoff and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2006, "Electronics and Photonics", ECS Interface, pp. 36-39
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2006, "Substrates for the Next Generation Electronics and Photonics", ECS Interface, 15, (4), pp. p. 21
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2006, "SN-16 Wet Cleaning Technology - Chemistry"
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2006, "SN-17 Wet Cleaning Technology - Implementation"
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2006, "SN-18 Dry Cleaning Technology"
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2006, "SN-19 Surface Conditioning"
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2006, "SN-20 Gate Oxide Breakdown Measurements"
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2006, "SN-21 Gettering"
- K. Chang, T. Witt, A. Hoff, R. Woodin, R. Ridley, G. Dolny, K. Shanmugasundaram, E. Oborina and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2005, "Surface Roughness in Silicon Carbide Technology", ECS Transactions, 1, (3), pp. 228
- K. Shanmugasundaram, K. Chang and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2005, "Effect of Silicon Surface Conditioning on Film Formation Ueisng Mist Deposition", ECS Transactions, 1, (3), pp. 105
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, K. Chang and B. Thurmond, 2005, "Surface Processing in Silicon carbide Device Manufacturing"
Conference Proceedings
- Jerzy Ruzyllo and Patrick J. Drummond, 2016, "Electrical Characterization of As-Processed Semiconductor Surfaces, Invited Paper", Solid State Phenomena, vol 255, pp 299-303 (2016)
- Ala Sabeeh, Jared Price and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2016, "Fluorescence Microscopy Characterization of Patterned Nano-Crystalline Quantum Dots Films", ECS Transactions, 75, (11), pp. 45-50
- Ala Sabeeb, Yash Thakur, Ju-Hung Chao, Aditya Kshirsag andr, Jerzy , 2015, ""Methods of Patterned Mist Deposition of Nano-Crystalline Quantum Dot Films ""
- Ala Sabeeh, Yash Thakur and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2015, ""Lift-Off Patterning of NanocrystallineQuantum Dot Films""
- A Y Sabeeh, J H Chao and J Ruzyllo, 2014, ""
- A Sabeeh, Y Thakur, J H Chao and J Ruzyllo, 2014, "Methods of Patterned Mist Deposition of Nano-Crystalline Quantum Dot Films", ECS Transactions, 64, (9), pp. 58
- J.-H. Chao, A. Kshirsaar and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2013, "Surface Processing for Area Selective Mist Deposition of Nanocrystalline Quantum Dots Films", ECS Transactions, 58, (6), pp. 311-316
- A Kshirsagar, S Pickering, J Xu and J Ruzyllo, 2012, "Mist Deposition of Nano-crystalline Quantum Dot Films on Diverse Substrates"
- A. Kshirsagar, S. Pickering, J. Xu and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2012, "Formation of Photo-Luminescing Patterns on Paper Using Mist Deposition and NCQ Dot Ink", ECS Transactions, 41, (154)
- E. Hwang, C. Eaton, S. Mujumdar, H. Madan, A. Ali, D. Bhatia, S. Datta and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2011, "Processing and Characterization of GaSb/High-k Dielectric Interfaces", ECS Transactions, 40, (5), pp. 157-162
- A Kshirsagar, S Pickering, J Xu and J Ruzyllo, 2010, "Light Emitting Diodes Formed Using Mist Deposition of Colloidal Solution of CdSe Nanocrystalline Quantum Dots", ECS Transactions, 35, (18), pp. 71-77
- A Kshirsagar, S Ramani, K Shanmugasundaram, K Sridhara, J Xu and J Ruzyllo, 2009, "Application of the Mist Deposition Process in the Formation of Semiconductor Quantum Nanodot Films"
- P Drummond, K Ramani, J Ruzyllo, T Hattori, R J Ruzyllo and R Novak, 2009, "Monitoring of Semiconductor Surfaces using Photoconductance Decay (PCD) Method", ECS Transactions, 25, (5), pp. 361-366
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2009, "Semiconductor Cleaning Technology - Past and Future", China Semiconductor Technology International Conference, 18, (1), pp. 263-268
- P. Roman, K. Torek, K. Shanmugasundaram, P. Mumbauer, D. Vestyck, P. Hammond and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2009, "Current Advances in AHF/Organic Solvent Processing of semiconductor Surfaces", Ultra-Clean Proc. of Silicon Surface IX, 145-146, pp. 231-234
- K. Shanmugasundaram, S. Price, W. Li, H. Jiang, Q. Wang and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2008, "Mist Deposition of Organic Semiconductors for Light Emitting Diodes", 11, (25), pp. 73-79
- O. Awadelkarim, J. Jiang, S. A. Suliman, K. Sarpatwari, L. J. Passmore, D. O. Lee, P. Roman and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2007, "Electrical Studies on Metal/SrTa2O6 or TiO2/Si Substrate Stack Systems", Microelectronics Technology and Devices SBMICRO 2007, 9, (1), pp. 353-359
- K. Kirby, K. Shanmugasundaram and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2007, "Interactions of Sapphire Surfaces with Standard Cleaning Solutions", Cleaning. and Surf. Cond. Technol. In Semicon. Dev. Manufacturing 10, 11, (2), pp. 343-349
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, R. E. Novak, T. Hattori, P. Mertens and P. Besson, 2007, "Evolution of Silicon Cleaning Technology Over the Last Twenty Years", Cleaning. and Surf. Cond. Technol. In Semicon. Dev. Manufacturing 10, 11, (2), pp. 3-7
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2007, "Semiconductor Cleaning and Conditioning Challenges Beyond Planar Silicon Technology", Microelectronics Technology and Devices SBMICRO 2007, 9, (1), pp. 87-97
- K. Shanmugasundaram, S. C. Price, K. Chang, D. O. Lee and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2006, "Mist Deposition in TFT Technology", ECS Transactions, 3, (8), pp. 255-259
- K. Chang, J. Shallenberger, F.-M. Chang, K. Shanmugasundaram, P. Roman, P. Mumbauer and Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2005, "Characteristics of Hf(Si,O) Gate Dielectrics as a Function of Hf Content", Proc. Intern. Symp. Advanced Gate Stack, Source/Drain and Channel Engineering for Si-based CMOS: New Materials, Processes, and Equipment Symp., 2005-05
- P Drummond, D Bhatia and J Ruzyllo, 2013, "Measurement of Effective Carrier Lifetime at the Semiconductor-Dielectric Interface by Photoconductance Decay Method", 81, pp. 130-134
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, , "Ruzyllo on Semiconductor Express", IEEE Potentials Magazine (invited)
- J Ruzyllo and T Hattori, 2013, "Preface to Focus Issue of Semiconductor Surface Cleaning and Conditioning", ECS. J. of Sol. St. Sci. and Technol., 3, (1), pp. N3025
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2012, "Ruzyllo on Globalization of Semiconductor Educational Experience", IEEE Potentials Magazine, 31, (4), pp. p. 43
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2012, "Ruzyllo on Nanotechnology", IEEE Potentials Magazine (invited), 31, (1), pp. 8-9
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2012, "Ruzyllo on Transistor (R)Evolution and Its Multidiciplinary Nature", IEEE Potentials Magazine (invited), 31, (2), pp. 6-7
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2012, "Ruzyllo on the Semiconductor Express", IEEE Potentials Magazine (invited), 31, (3), pp. 4-5
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2012, "Ruzyllo on Predicting Technologicaldevelopments", 31, (5), pp. 39-40
- Jerzy Ruzyllo, 2012, "Ruzyllo on the Process of Converting an Idea into a Commercial Product", IEEE Potentials Magazine (invited), 31, (6), pp. 14-15