Journal Articles
- Q. Zhu, R. Dinsmore, B. Gao and John D Mathews, 2016, "High-resolution radar observations of meteoroid fragmentation and flaring at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory", Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 457, pp. 1759-1769
- A. Patil, A. Malhotra, A. K. Patra, T. R. Prasad and John D Mathews, 2015, "Evidence of meteoroid fragmentation in specular trail echoes observed using Gadanki MST radar", Earth Moon Planets, 115
- B. Gao and John D Mathews, 2015, "High-altitude radar meteors observed at Jicamarca Radio Observatory using a multi-baseline interferometric technique", Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 452, pp. 4252–4262
- S. Raizada, C. A. Tepley, Q. Zhou, S. Sarkhel, John D Mathews, N. A. Aponte, I. Seker, R. Kerr and E. Cabassa, 2015, "Dependence of mesospheric Na and Fe distributions on electron density at Arecibo", Earth Planets Space, 67:146
- S. Raizada, C. M. Brum, C. A. Tepley, J. S. Friedman, John D Mathews and F. T. Djuth, 2015, "First Simultaneous Measurements of Na and K Thermospheric Layers along with TILs from Arecibo", Geophys. Res. Lett., 42
- B Gao and J D Mathews, 2015, "High-altitude meteors and meteoroid fragmentation observed at Jicamarca", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446, pp. 3404-3415
- B Gao and J D Mathews, 2015, "Phase and pattern calibration of the Jicamarca radar using satellites", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446, pp. 3416-3426
- S. Sarkhel, John D Mathews, S. Raizada, R. Sekar, D. Chakrabarty, A. Guharay, G. Jee, J.-H. Kim, R. B. Kerr, G. Ramkumar, S. Sridharan, Q. Wu, M. G. Mlynczak and J. M. Russel, 2015, "A case study on occurrence of an unusual structure in the sodium layer over Gadanki, India", Earth Planets Space, 67
- Q. Zhu, R. Volz and John D Mathews, 2015, "Radar Holography based on Compressed Sensing", Radio Sci.
- John D Mathews, 2013, "A short history of geophysical radar at Arecibo Observatory", Hist. Geo- Space Sci., 4, pp. 19-33
- John D Mathews, 2013, "Fifty years of radio science at Arecibo Observatory: A brief overview", Radio Sci. Bull., 346, pp. 12-16
- John D Mathews, J. Urbina and A. Malhorta, 2012, "Adapting the New Arecibo On-Dish High Frequency (HF) Transmitter System to Radar Mode", International Innovation, 93-95
- S. Sarkhel, S. Raizada, John D Mathews, S. Smith, C. A. Tepley, F. J. Rivera and S. A. Gonzalez, 2012, "Identification of large-scale billow-like structures in the neutral sodium layer over Arecibo", J. Geophys. Res., 117, pp. A10301
- A. Malhorta and John D Mathews, 2011, "A statistical study of meteoroid fragmentation and differential ablation using the Resolute Bay incoherent scatter radar", J. Geophys. Res., 116, pp. A04316
- I. Seker, S. F. Fung and John D Mathews, 2011, "The relation between magnetospheric state parameters and the occurrence of plasma depletion events in the night-time mid-latitude F-region", J. Geophys. Res., 116, pp. A04323
- John D Mathews, 2011, "From here to ET", J. British Interplanetary Soc., 64, (6/7), pp. 234-241
- John D Mathews, S. J. Briczinski, A. Malhorta and J. Cross, 2010, "Extensive meteoroid fragmentation in V/UHF radar meteor observations at Arecibo Observatory", Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, pp. L04103
- F. T. Djuth, L. D. Zhang, D. J. Livneh, I. Seker, M. P. Sulzer, John D Mathews and R. L. Walterscheid, 2010, "Arecibo's thermospheric gravity waves and the case for an ocean source", J. Geophys. Res., 115, pp. A08305
- A. Roy, S. J. Briczinski, J. F. Doherty and John D Mathews, 2009, "Genetic algorithm based parameter estimation technique for fragmenting radar meteor head-echoes", IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 6, pp. 363-367
- S. J. Briczinski, John D Mathews and D. D. Meisel, 2009, "Statistical and fragmentation properties of the micrometeoroid flux observed at Arecibo", J. Geophys. Res., 114, pp. A04311
- I. Seker, D. Linveh and John D Mathews, 2009, "A 3D empirical model of F-region MSTID bands using incoherent scatter radar and allsky imaging at Arecibo", J. Geophys. Res., 114, pp. A06302
- D. J. Livneh, I. Seker, F. T. Djuth and John D Mathews, 2009, "Omnipresent vertically coherent fluctuations in the ionosphere with a possible worldwide-midlatitude extent", J. Geophys. Res., 114, pp. A06302
- A. Malhorta and John D Mathews, 2009, "Low-altitude meteor trail echoes", Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, pp. L21106
- A. Malhorta, John D Mathews and K. Ray, 2009, "Aspect sensitivity considerations in determining day-to-night variations in meteor trail durations", Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, pp. L22105
- I. Seker, John D Mathews, D. Livneh and J. J. Makela, 2008, "Tracking F-region plasma depletion bands using GPS-TEC, incoherent scatter radar, and all-sky imaging at Arecibo", Earth Planets Space, 60, pp. 1-13
- A. Malhorta, John D Mathews and J. Urbina, 2008, "Aspect sensitivity considerations in interpreting radar meteor range-spread trail echo durations", Earth, Moon, Plnts.
- John D Mathews, S. J. Briczinski, D. D. Meisel and C. J. Heinselman, 2008, "Radio and meteor science outcomes from comparisons of meteor radar observations at AMISR Poker Flat, Sondrestrom, and Arecibo", Earth, Moon, Plnts., 102, pp. 365-372
- A. Roy, C.-H. Wen, J. F. Doherty and John D Mathews, 2008, "Signal feature extraction from microbarograph observations using the Hilbert-Huang Transform", IEEE Trans. Geos. Romote Sens., 46, pp. 1442-1447
- A. Malhorta, John D Mathews and J. Urbina, 2008, "Effect of Meteor Ionization on Sporadic-E observed at Jicamarca", Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, pp. L15106
- A. Malhorta, John D Mathews and J. Urbina, 2007, "Multi-static, common volume radar observations of meteors at Jicamarca", Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, pp. L24103
- A. Malhorta, John D Mathews and J. V. Urbina, 2007, "A Radio Science Perspective on Long Duration Meteor Trails", J. Geophys. Res., 112s, pp. A12303
- A. Roy, J. F. Doherty and John D Mathews, 2007, "Analyzing radar meteor trails echoes using the Fresnel transform technique: A signal processing viewpoint", Earth, Moon, Plnts, 101, pp. 27-39
- D. Livneh, I. Seker, F. T. Djuth and John D Mathews, 2007, "Continuous quasi-periodic thermospheric waves over Arecibo", J. Geophys. Res., 112
- C.-H. Wen, D. J. Livneh, J. F. Doherty and John D Mathews, 2007, "Pulse-level interference and meteor processing of Arecibo ISR data", J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 69, pp. 973-980
- I. Seker, John D Mathews, J. Wiig, P. Farias-Gutierrez, J. S. Friedman and C. A. Tepley, 2007, "First results from the Penn State Allsky Imager at Arecibo Observatory", Earth Planets Space, 59, pp. 165-176
- Q.-N. Zhou and John D Mathews, 2006, "On the physical explanation of the Perkins instability", J. Geophys. Res., 111, pp. A12309
- S. G. Bilen, C. R. Philbrick, T. F. Wheeler, John D Mathews, R. G. Melton and D. B. Spencer, 2006, "An overview of space science and engineering education at Penn State", IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 21, (7), pp. S_23 - S_27
- S. J. Briczinski, C.-H. Wen, John D Mathews, J. F. Doherty and Q.-N. Zhou, 2006, "Robust voltage fitting techniques for meteor Doppler speed determination", IEEE Trans. Geos. Remote Sens., 44, pp. 3490-3496
- Q.-N. Zhou, John D Mathews and C. A. Miller, 2006, "The evolution of nighttime mid-latitude mesoscale F-region structures: A case study utilizing numerical solution of the Perkins instability equations", Planet. Space Sci., 54, pp. 710-718
- C.-H. Wen, J. F. Doherty and John D Mathews, 2005, "Adaptive filtering for the separation of incoherent scatter and meteor signals for Arecibo observational data", J. Amos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 67, pp. 1190-1195
- Q.-N. Zhou, John D Mathews, Q. Du and C. A. Miller, 2005, "A preliminary investigation of the pseudo-spectral method numerical solution of the Perkins instatility equations in the homogeneous case", J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 67, pp. 325-335
- C.-H. Wen, J. F. Doherty, John D Mathews and D. Janches, 2005, "Meteor detection and non-periodic bursty interference removal for Arecibo data", J. Amos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 67, pp. 275-281
- C. Szasz, A. Pellinen-Wannberg, John D Mathews, N. J. Mitchell and W. Singer, 2005, "Latitudinal variations of diurnal meteor rates", Earth, Moon, Plnts.
- Q.-N. Zhou, John D Mathews and Q. Du, 2005, "Linear stage theoretical and numerical solutions of the Perkins instability equations in the inhomogeneous TEC case", Planet. Space Sci.